Want to find out the answers to frequently asked questions? Take a peek and find out. Still have questions? No problem, just email us or call 585.967.5677. We look forward to hearing from you.

ATM Installation Requirements

The only requirement needed for your new ATM to be installed is to have a dedicated 110 power outlet (standard) and either a phone line within 3 feet of where the ATM is to be placed, or a or high speed internet connection we can cable into (wifi is not an option). There is also an option to go wireless (over the cell networks). We have the compliant items available for purchase or lease.

When choosing your space for the ATM in your business, allow aprox 18″ wide and 22.1″ deep for average free standing machine. Consult with the ATM product specs for absolute measurements and allow a couple extra inches for ease of cabinet opening and replenishing of vault cash.

If you have any questions regarding what you will need, please feel free to email or call us (585.967.5677) at your convenience.

FAQs For Having An ATM For Business

Customers will no longer stop at a competitor’s establishment to get cash (and spend it there). Customers will instead stop at your place of business because you can accommodate their cash needs.
According to a 7/11 study, ATM users spend 25% more than non ATM users. If someone withdraws cash, they usually end up spending a portion of the money in that business.
Because businesses with ATM machines see fewer credit card transactions and more cash spending, business owners save money in credit card processing fees. Credit card transactions cost between 2%-3% of a purchase.
Cash does not bounce. When a customer uses cash, your risk of chargebacks, disputes, and bad checks are reduced or eliminated.
The owner of the ATM receives surcharge profits from the machine. For high traffic locations, this can add up to a significant profit every month.
An ATM can save your employees’ time by not having to run a credit card at customer checkout. It also saves the time of the customer because they are able to access cash as well as make a purchase all in one location.
By providing useful services for your patrons, your image is improved. One reason people patronize your establishment is value. An ATM adds value to your establishment.

ATM Facts and Figures

  • ATM customers spend a average of 20%-25% more than non ATM users
  • 40% of ATM users go to the ATM machine on average of 10x per month
  • Stores with ATM’s increase sales by over 8%
  • ATM users tend to use the same ATM machines repeatedly
  • Customers enjoy the convenience of an ATM in the store they patronize
  • There are no returned checks with an ATM
  • You reduce or eliminate credit card processing fees with an ATM